Flitt Documentation

Explore the methods to integrate Flitt

  • How to start & Testing environment

    Start integration and testing without even registration. Create payments with test data and check which type of integration suits you.

    Getting started

  • Redirect

    Redirect is a good option if you want the customer to see all payment methods on a single Flitt hosted page.

    Image title

  • Embedded

    Integrate Embedded checkout if you want the customer to have a seamless process without redirections.

    Embedded checkout

  • Direct

    Use the Direct integration type if bank cards need to be process on your PCI compliant backend

    PCIDSS Comliant

  • CMS&CRM plugins

    We created ready to use CMS&CRM plugins for any CMS or CRM or Site builder you need. Just download and install the plugin for your site.

    CMS&CRM plugins
    CMS&CRM plugins

  • Subscription & Recurring

    Manage Subscription & Recurring with any tools, provided in API, SDK&Mobile, CMS&CRM plugins and Landing pages

    Subscription & Recurring
    Subscription & Recurring