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Order status

Get order status

POST /api/status/order_id

This endpoint expects POST request in JSON fromat with parameters.

Normal response will contain the same parameters, as accept purchase normal response.

Parameters                        Type Mandatory Description
version string(10) optional Protocol version.
Default value: 1.0.1
Version 1.0 is deprecated
order_id string(1024) mandatory Order ID which is generated by merchant
merchant_id integer(12) mandatory Merchant unique ID. Generated by Flitt during merchant registration
signature string(40) mandatory Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Signature generation algorithm please see at Signature generation for request and response


curl -L '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "request": {
    "order_id": "TestOrder2",
    "version": "1.0.1",
    "merchant_id": "1549901",
    "signature": "bb0798a53ab63eb99584859ba46deb9d461b3993"
    "response": {
        "rrn": "",
        "masked_card": "",
        "sender_cell_phone": "",
        "sender_account": "",
        "currency": "USD",
        "fee": "",
        "reversal_amount": "0",
        "settlement_amount": "0",
        "actual_amount": "",
        "response_description": "",
        "sender_email": "",
        "order_status": "expired",
        "response_status": "success",
        "order_time": "28.02.2018 19:18:16",
        "actual_currency": "",
        "order_id": "TestOrder2",
        "tran_type": "purchase",
        "eci": "",
        "settlement_date": "",
        "payment_system": "",
        "approval_code": "",
        "merchant_id": 1549901,
        "settlement_currency": "",
        "payment_id": 83456044,
        "card_bin": "",
        "response_code": "",
        "card_type": "",
        "amount": "1000",
        "signature": "268b8f189f97c85696134fe6ae0f7f5ab93f28d5",
        "product_id": "",
        "merchant_data": "",
        "rectoken": "",
        "rectoken_lifetime": "",
        "verification_status": "",
        "parent_order_id": "",
        "fee_oplata": "0",
        "additional_info": "{\"capture_status\": null, \"capture_amount\": null, \"reservation_data\": null, \"transaction_id\": null, \"bank_response_code\": null, \"bank_response_description\": null, \"client_fee\": null, \"settlement_fee\": 0.0, \"bank_name\": null, \"bank_country\": null, \"card_type\": null, \"card_product\": null, \"card_category\": null, \"timeend\": \"01.03.2018 05:18:17\", \"ipaddress_v4\": \"\", \"payment_method\": null}",
        "response_signature_string": "**********|{\"capture_status\": null, \"capture_amount\": null, \"reservation_data\": null, \"transaction_id\": null, \"bank_response_code\": null, \"bank_response_description\": null, \"client_fee\": null, \"settlement_fee\": 0.0, \"bank_name\": null, \"bank_country\": null, \"card_type\": null, \"card_product\": null, \"card_category\": null, \"timeend\": \"01.03.2018 05:18:17\", \"ipaddress_v4\": \"\", \"payment_method\": null}|1000|USD|0|1549901|TestOrder2|expired|28.02.2018 19:18:16|83456044|success|0|0|purchase"
    "response": {
        "error_code": 1002,
        "error_message": "Application error",
        "request_id": "VkPdYwnPAaSz9",
        "response_status": "failure"