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Create an embedded checkout page with an individual design. Version 2.0

Project at GitHub: You can design your own checkout page hosted on your website as a regular HTML + CSS code. We developed pre-designed example (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) which you can try to use on your site:

Basic checkout design example. Card, ApplePay, GooglePay

See the Pen Flitt - custom checkout light by (@flitt) on CodePen.

First, you need to import JavaScript SDK:

Then CSS files:


Checkout page is configured with JavaScript code:

Configuration example

var Options = {
    options: {
        methods: ['card'],
        methods_disabled: [],
        card_icons: ['mastercard', 'visa', 'maestro'],
        active_tab: 'card',
        fields: false,
        title: 'my_title',
        link: '',
        full_screen: true,
        button: true,
        email: true
    params: {
        merchant_id: 1549901,
        required_rectoken: 'y',
        currency: 'GEL',
        amount: 500,
        order_desc: 'my_order_desc',
        response_url: ''
checkout("#app", Options);

JavaScript configuration has the following structure:

Configuration structure

  options: {},
  params: {},
  fields_custom: {},
  messages: {},
  validate: {},
  css_variable: {},

Configure payment page form customization options

Parameter name Parameter type Default value Description
Parameter name Parameter type Default value Description
methods Array ['card'] Enable checkout payment methods: cards, online banking, BNPL, Google Pay, Apple Pay. Supported values: card - bank cards, wallets - Google and Apple Pay, installments - BNPL.
methods_disabled Array [] Disable checkout payment methods: cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, BNPL. Supported values: card, wallets, installments
card_icons Array ['mastercard', 'visa'] Payment systems logos set. Supported values: mastercard, visa, maestro
title String
hide_title Boolean false Hide title text on page
link String
hide_link Boolean false Hide URL link text on page
full_screen Boolean true Defines whether checkout form will be placed in a compact area (false) or in full page (true)
locales Array ['mastercard', 'visa'] Payment systems logos set. Supported values: mastercard, visa, maestro
logo_url String Custom logo URL
button Boolean true Defines if default pay button should be shown, or it will be a custom one
fee Boolean false
email Boolean false Defines if email must be provided on checkout page by customer.
fields Boolean false Enables additional input fields on checkout page. Example with additional merchant fields
lang Boolean true Enables additional input fields on checkout page. Example with additional merchant fields
api_domain String
theme Object true Defines if default pay button should be shown, or it will be a custom one
show_button_amount Boolean Display the amount on the button
subscription Object Subscription options


Name Type Default Description
type String 'light' support light, dark.
preset String 'black' support reset, black, silver, vibrant_silver, vibrant_gold, solid_black, black_and_white, euphoric_pink, heated_steel, nude_pink, tropical_gold, navy_shimmer.


Name Type1 Default Description
type String 'disable' support disable, hidden, shown_edit_on, shown_edit_off, shown_readonly
periods Array ['day', 'week', 'month'] support day, week, month.
quantity Boolean false
trial Boolean false
unlimited Boolean true
readonly Boolean false

Order parameters described in Request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Default value Description
merchant_id Integer 1549901
order_desc String Order description
amount Integer 100 The amount to be charged
currency String Order currency
response_url String Response url
lang String 'en'
required_rectoken String Supported values: Y, N, y, n.
verification String Supported values: Y, N, y, n.
token String length 40
button String length 20-80
offer Boolean false
recurring_data Object
custom Object
customer_data Object


Subscription parameters values: period, frequency, start date, end date, regular amount

Name Type Default Description
every Integer 1
period String 'month' support day, week, month.
amount Integer 0
end_time String format YYYY-MM-DD
start_time String format YYYY-MM-DD
quantity Integer 0
trial_period String ''
trial_quantity Integer 0


Name Type Default Description
customer_name String
customer_address String
customer_zip String
customer_city String
customer_country String dictionary countries
customer_state String
phonemobile String format phone
email String format email

Messages localization

  messages: {
    {en}: {
      {id}: {value},

Form validation errors localization

  validate: {
    {en}: {
      {id}: {value},
  css_variable: {
    main: {hex color value},
    card_bg: {hex color value},
    card_shadow: {hex color value}
  fields_custom: {
    id-1: {
      name: 'id-1',
      label: 'label1',
      value: 'value1',
      readonly: true,
      p: 1
    id-2: {
      name: 'id-2',
      label: 'label2',
      value: 'value2',
      p: 2
    id-3: {
      name: 'id-3',
      label: 'label3',
      type: 'checkbox',
      required: true,
      p: 3

Below are examples of ready-made designs of payment pages in different styles.

Example style light background, blue card

See the Pen Flitt - custom checkout light by (@flitt) on CodePen.

Example style dark background, blue card

See the Pen Flitt - custom checkout dark by (@flitt) on CodePen.

Example for compact region

With parameters full_screen: false, hide_title: true, hide_link: true

Example with additional merchant fields

See the Pen Flitt - custom checkout. Additional fields. Version 2.0 by (@flitt) on CodePen.

Example with subscription

After the first successful payment, payment gateway will create a calendar with scheduled regular payments. The frequency and frequency are set in the parameters of the payment page.

See the Pen Flitt - custom checkout. Subscription. Version 2.0 by (@flitt) on CodePen.

Example with subscription and localization of custom fields

See the Pen Flitt - custom checkout. Subscription. Version 2.0 by (@flitt) on CodePen.

Example with extended payment methods

See the Pen Flitt - custom checkout. Version 2.0 by (@flitt) on CodePen.

Example with handling of pay-button click event

See the Pen Flitt - checkout with own submit buttons. Version 2.0 by (@flitt) on CodePen.

Example with JavaScript callbacks

See the Pen Flitt - custom checkout. Javascript calbacks. Version 2.0 by (@flitt) on CodePen.

Example ApplePay/GooglePay buttons

See the Pen Flitt - Apple, Google Pay buttons by (@flitt) on CodePen.

Example with order created on backend

Create order at your server:

curl -i -X POST \
 -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
 -d \
  "request": {
    "server_callback_url": "http://myshop/callback/",
    "order_id": "TestOrder_JSSDK_v2",
    "currency": "USD",
    "merchant_id": 1549901,
    "order_desc": "Test payment",
    "lifetime" : 999999,
    "amount": 1000,
    "signature": "91ea7da493a8367410fe3d7f877fb5e0ed666490"
}' \

Receive order token:


Load checkout page with order token as a parameter:

var Options = {
  options: {
    methods: ['card'],
    methods_disabled: [],
    card_icons: ['mastercard', 'visa', 'maestro'],
    active_tab: 'card',
    fields: false,
    title: 'Demo checkout',
    link: '',
    full_screen: true,
    button: true,
    email: true
  params: {
    token: "13c178ad84446ef36eaab365b1e12e6987e9b3d9"
checkout("#checkout-container", Options);

Using color presets and personal log

You can use gradient color presets with object theme in the options section.

options: {
  methods: ['card'],
  theme: {
    type: "light",
    preset: "black"

type attribute can have "light" or "dark" value.

preset attribute can have one of the following values:


euphoric_pink preset example

See the Pen Flitt - minimal checkout ligt euphoric_pink v2.0 by (@flitt) on CodePen.

All gradients naming you can match as follows (click to enlarge image):


You can use custom flat colors with css_variable parameter (to use it, you need to set preset: "reset") as well as own logo with logo_url parameter:

Example with main color: valencia #D94343 for card background and fuchsia_blue: #7054C7 for button color

See the Pen Flit - custom colors by (@flitt) on CodePen.

We recommend to use such colors:

valencia: #D94343
flame_pea: #DF583D
jaffa: #E86F33
zest: #E58626
gamboge: #EBA212
citron: #A9B221
sushi: #82B536
chelsea_cucumber: #6BA854
fruit_salad: #54A868
breaker_bay: #54A199
pelorous: #43ABBF
havelock_blue: #57A4DC
curious_blue: #4F8BE0
indigo: #6073D1
fuchsia_blue: #7054C7
studio: #8453B5
wisteria: #9D55B5
fuchsia_pink: #BA5BB2
mulberry: #C74E8A
cabaret: #D4486B