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Create withdrawal

Withdrawal can be performed only after initial purchase with the rectoken which will be referencing the purchase.

Step 1. Create purchase

To create purchase, refer to any of the ways to start accepting payments:

Additional parameter must be sent during purchase order creation to obtain rectoken in response:

Parameter Value Description
required_rectoken Y Flag which indicates whether card token will be returned in response.

Step 2. Create a withdrawal that references the purchase

Endpoint for withdrawal creation

Withdrawal operation

POST /api/p2pcredit

This endpoint expects POST request in JSON format with parameters.

Request parameters

One of the parameters receiver_rectoken or external_rectoken is mandatoiry!

Parameters                        Type Mandatory Description
version string(10) optional Protocol version.
Default value: 1.0.1
Version 1.0 is deprecated
order_id string(1024) mandatory Order ID which is generated by merchant
merchant_id integer(12) mandatory Merchant unique ID. Generated by Flitt during merchant registration
order_desc string(1024) mandatory Order description. Generated by merchant in UTF-8 always
amount integer(12) mandatory Order amount without separator. 1020 (GEL) means 10 lari and 20 tetri
currency string(3) mandatory Order currency. Supported values:
EUR — Euro
USD — US Dollar
GBP — Pound sterling mandatory
CZK — Czech Republic Koruna
GEL - Georgian lari
UZS - Uzbekistan sum
Full list of supported currencies
server_callback_url string(2048) optional Merchant site URL, where host-to-host callback will be sent after payment completion. See Callbacks for more details on callbacks.
signature string(40) mandatory Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Signature generation algorithm please see at Signature generation for request and response
merchant_data string(2048) optional Any arbitrary set of data that a merchant wants to get back in the response to response_url or/and server_callback_url, and also in reports
product_id string(1024) optional Merchant product or service id
receiver_rectoken string(40) optional Card token from initial purchase operation, returned by Flitt in parameter rectoken
external_rectoken string(40) optional Card token from initial purchase operation, returned by UFC in parameter TRANSACTION_ID


Request example with Flitt token:

  "request": {
    "order_id": "test_1234312142",
    "merchant_id": "1549901",
    "order_desc": "Test order",
    "amount": 1000,
    "currency": "GEL",
    "receiver_rectoken": "I0wh7fBmFIdcY6K3Px2QugVrVR65sPafeZkPmRanOiRnXG",
    "server_callback_url": "",
    "signature": "51e59ffd263d071da8e1a1fc10b981f459dbe6f1"

Request example with UFC token:

  "request": {
    "order_id": "test_12343242",
    "merchant_id": "1549901",
    "order_desc": "Test order",
    "amount": 1000,
    "currency": "GEL",
    "external_rectoken": "bAt6JLX52DUbibbzD9gDFl5Ppr4=",
    "server_callback_url": "",
    "signature": "1c1c2374c73267e7be560d80834e4ba28ccda9aa"

Normal final response: see list of test cards

  "response": {
    "product_id": "",
    "masked_card": "444455XXXXXX6666",
    "currency": "GEL",
    "response_description": "",
    "order_status": "approved",
    "response_status": "success",
    "order_time": "21.09.2024 01:22:02",
    "order_id": "test_1234312142",
    "tran_type": "p2p credit",
    "payment_system": "card",
    "approval_code": "",
    "merchant_id": 1549901,
    "payment_id": 818990350,
    "card_bin": 444455,
    "response_code": "",
    "card_type": "VISA",
    "amount": "1000",
    "signature": "e7e8b3641dab8eee546e8183b9180e67f1568deb",
    "additional_info": "{\"capture_status\": null, \"capture_amount\": null, \"reservation_data\": null, \"transaction_id\": 2019043606, \"bank_response_code\": null, \"bank_response_description\": null, \"client_fee\": 0.0, \"settlement_fee\": 0.0, \"bank_name\": null, \"bank_country\": null, \"card_type\": \"VISA\", \"card_product\": \"empty_visa\", \"card_category\": null, \"timeend\": \"21.09.2024 01:22:03\", \"ipaddress_v4\": \"\", \"payment_method\": \"card\", \"is_test\": true}"

Response in case of error:

  "response": {
    "error_code": 1002,
    "error_message": "Application error",
    "request_id": "ghfIuTtVrbWYY",
    "response_status": "failure"