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Test merchant data

Parameter Value
merchant_id 1549901
test secret key for purchases test
test secret key for payouts testcredit
currency See full list of supported currencies.

Test card numbers

Card number Brand Expiry date CVV2 3DSecure Response type
4444555566661111 Visa any any yes approve
4444111166665555 Visa any any yes decline
4444555511116666 Visa any any no approve
4444111155556666 Visa any any no decline
5555666644441111 MasterCard any any yes approve
6666444455551111 MasterCard any any yes approve
4444555566669999 Visa any any yes, frictionless approve
4444666655559999 Visa any any yes, challenge approve
4444999966665555 Visa any any yes, frictionless decline
4444666699995555 Visa any any yes, challenge decline
2222555566663333 MasterCard any any yes decline
4444777799991111 Visa any any managed by reservation_data parameter approve