Additional data

Additional parameter reservation_data can be sent with create purchase request.


  "request": {
    "response_url": "",
    "order_id": "test_reservation_data_12345",
    "order_desc": "Test payment",
    "currency": "GEL",
    "amount": "100",
    "signature": "dcf5a9a582872bf0ba89bb77a25c3894671b423a",
    "merchant_id": "1549901",
    "reservation_data": "ewogICJwaG9uZW1vYmlsZSI6ICIrMTIzNDU2NzgiLAogICJjdXN0b21lcl9hZGRyZXNzIjogIjE1IGdhbm5ldCBzdHJlZXQgZWxzcGFyayIsCiAgImN1c3RvbWVyX2NvdW50cnkiOiAiVVMiLAogICJjdXN0b21lcl9zdGF0ZSI6ICJOWSIsCiAgImN1c3RvbWVyX25hbWUiOiAiQnJhbmRvbiBOeWF0aGkiLAogICJjdXN0b21lcl9jaXR5IjogIk5ldyBZb3JrIiwKICAiY3VzdG9tZXJfemlwIjogIjE0MDEiLAogICJhY2NvdW50IjogImlkMzI2NDg0ODAiCn0="

reservation_data – it is JSON data, encoded with BASE64 algorithm. It has the following structure:


  "phonemobile": "+12345678",
  "customer_address": "15 gannet street elspark",
  "customer_country": "US",
  "customer_state": "NY",
  "customer_name": "Brandon Nyathi",
  "customer_city": "New York",
  "customer_zip": "1401",
  "account": "id32648480",
  "uuid": "00002415-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"

All parameters must be alphanumeric, and contain latin characters, digits and separator symbols

Parameter name                        Type Description Example
phonemobile AN(16) Cllient mobile phone +12345678
customer_address AN(1024) Client address 15 gannet street elspark
customer_country AN(2) Client billing country ISO code UK
customer_name AN(1024)Payer name Brandon Nyathi
customer_city AN(1024) Payer city New York
customer_zip AN(250) ZIP code 1401
account AN(250) Client account id in merchant system id32648480
uuid AN(250) Device UUID 00002415-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
settlement_id AN(32) ID to be passed to settlements reports for reconciliation process automation SettlementID::12311233443
fields_custom JSON Json list of additional fields to be displayed on checkout

fields_custom is an object which allows to add custom input fields to checkout page

"fields_custom": [
      "name": "id-1",
      "label": "label1",
      "value": "1",
      "valid": {
        "pattern": "^[0-9]+$",
        "max_length": 222,
        "min_length": 10
      "readonly": false,
      "required": true,
      "type": "input",
      "p": 1
      "name": "id-2",
      "label": "label2",
      "value": "",
      "p": 2
      "name": "id-3",
      "label": "label3",
      "type": "checkbox",
      "required": true,
      "p": 3