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API general

All requests are sent over HTTPS with POST method.

Request and response format is JSON.

The response JSON structure is always a dict (associative array).

If the err_code or error key is present, the request is not completed. In this case, err_code and error parameter in response is a error description message.

Key error codes:

  • Authorization token required – the token is not passed in the request header
  • Invalid auth token – the token is either invalid or outdated
  • Merchant not found – merchant not found
  • you have no access to this report – either report_id is invalid or you have no access to the report

Example of response in case of error

   "error": "Authorization token required",
   "err_code": "Authorization token required"

The authorization token must be sent in the Authorization HTTP header of your request.

Example of a request header with access token

curl '' \
-H "Authorization: Token 4cDY6LgviVN85g70eDHXygrmYTourFAT"


Before getting data from report, you need to obtain access token.

A JSON POST request should be sent to endpoint:

Parameters of authentication request

Parameter                    Mandatory Type Description Example
application_id mandatory string(20) Company ID. Please refer FONDY support to obtain ID and secret key. 1234
date mandatory string(1024) Date in any format. Date is a salt for sha512 signature hash 2020-04-06 11:15:27 or 1586171872 or any other string
signature mandatory string(128) Signature 7eec02ed1088b47da639549a109c0e98

The signature is formed by concatenating the application private key, application id, and date parameter through a vertical bar | (in utf-8 encoding).

Sha512 hash function should be applied to the resulting string.

Code example of obtaining a signature

from datetime import datetime
import hashlib

date = str(
company_id = str(%your_company_id%)
signature = hashlib.sha512('|'.join(['%your_company_private_key%', company_id, date]).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
$date = strtotime("now");
$company_id = %application_id%;
$signature = hash('sha512', join('|',array('%your_company_private_key%', $company_id, $date)));

If request is successful, the token will be contained in the token parameter of the JSON response and will expire in 1 hour Otherwise, the response will contain the keys error_code and error_message.

Example of curl request

curl '' \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
    -X POST  --data-binary @- <<EOF
        "signature": "5124cef4e69a015c1662f0ff963adc9f85ff60e365445ffcf6688737da726becb298211e5040c9ac74e3f56ff1065b42c281e300370436bec539f6b2679b91ee",
        "application_id": "2",
        "date": "2024-04-06 11:15:27"

Example of response in case of error

  "request_id": "SuVhZRMS7JDD2iGS",
  "token": "Yq0GXWeOZ1m8BsiCa4iQPDB84Wjw346",
  "expires_in": 3602
  "error_code": 403,
  "error_message": "Incorrect signature",
  "request_id": "cGeC7PH59ESqQw30"

Obtain report data

The request should be sent as POST to the endpoint:

Parameters of request of obtaining report data

Parameter                     Mandaroty Type Description Example
filters mandatory JSON objects[] A set of filters, individual within each report (report_id) “filters”: [ { “s”: “settlement_date”, “m”: “dateis”, “v”: “2019-01-24” } ]
merchant_id mandatory integer(12) Merchant unique ID. Generated by FONDY during merchant registration. 1396424
report_id mandatory integer(12) Report unique ID (see List of available reports) 688
on_page mandatory integer(12) The limit of records that are returned in the context of single request (from 10 to 500 recommended) 500
page mandatory integer(12) Records page offset. For example, with on_page = 50, to get data from 51 to 100, you need to pass page = 2 2
Parameter                       Mandaroty Type Description Example
data mandatory JSON objects[][] Dataset as a sorted two-dimensional JSON array “data”: [ [ 1234567890, 10000000001 ], [ 1234567891, 10000000002 ] ]
fields mandatory string[] List of returned fields “fields”: [ “payment_id”, “order_time”, “order_status”, “actual_amount”, “currency”, “fee”, “order_id”, “settlement_amount”, “settlement_currency”, “settlement_date”, “settlement_status”, “odb_ref”, “tran_time”, “settlement_type”, “payment_system”, “sender_email”, “order_desc”, “merchant_data”, “settlement_desc”, “transaction_id” ]
rows_count mandatory integer(12) Number of records in the full data set 500
rows_on_page mandatory integer(12) Number of records returned in the context of this request 50
rows_page mandatory integer(12) Range offset in the full data set. For example, if rows_on_page = 50 and rows_page = 2, then records from 51 to 100 are returned in the context of this request 2

Example of request and response

curl '' \
-H "Authorization: Token k1y0qXZ6KgO4GIfkeRlEznao0zbzYdhf" \
-d @- << EOF
  "on_page": 10,
  "page": 1,
  "filters": [
      "s": "settlement_date",
      "m": "from",
      "v": "2019-01-24"
      "s": "settlement_date",
      "m": "to",
      "v": "2019-01-27"
      "s": "actual_amount",
      "m": "=",
      "v": "630.00"
  "merchant_id": 1398432,
  "report_id": "403"
  "data": [
      "2025-01-23 10:58:38",
      "2025-01-24 08:00:00",
      "2025-01-23 10:58:38",
      "Test order 1",
      "Test payment 1",
      "2025-01-23 10:56:51",
      "2025-01-24 08:00:00",
      "2025-01-23 10:56:51",
      "Test order 2",
      "Test payment 2",
  "rows_count": 2,
  "fields": [
  "rows_page": 1,
  "rows_on_page": 10

Use filters

filter is an array of JSON objects.

Each filter object must contain following attributes:

s – field name, to which the filter is applied

m – search operand (=, <, > etc., depending on field type )

v – field value to be filtered

Filter example

      "s": "settlement_date",
      "m": "dateis",
      "v": "2019-01-24"

Operands depending on field type


float: ‘=’, ‘>’, ‘<‘, ‘!=’, ‘isnull’, ‘notnull’

int: ‘=’, ‘>’, ‘<‘, ‘!=’, ‘any’, ‘isnull’, ‘notnull’

date: ‘dateis’, ‘from’, ‘to’, ‘isnull’, ‘notnull’, ‘notdate’

text: ‘=’, ‘!=’, ‘like’, ‘!like’, ‘start’, ’empty’, ‘any’, ‘notnull’

bool: istrue

select: ‘=’, ‘!=’, ‘any’

array: in_array

daterange: ‘daterange’

Unobvious search modes



{“s”: “id”, “m”: “=”, “v”: “10,20,30”} – filter values specified with comma separator

filter is applied as id in (10,20,30)


{“s”: “timestart”, “m”: “from”, “v”: “2020-01-10”} - filter is applied as timestart >= ‘2020-01-10’

{“s”: “timestart”, “m”: “from”, “v”: “-2”} - filter is applied as timestart >= now() – 2 days


{“s”: “timestart”, “m”: “to”, “v”: “2020-01-10”} - filter is applied as timestart < ‘2020-01-11‘

dateis – “daye equal” – data filtered from specified day start (00:00) till next day start (00:00) (not including next day)

like – filters partial fragment match

!like – partial fragment must not match

start – “starting from”

List of available reports

Parameters of request of obtaining report data

Report ID Fields                                                     Mandatory filter fields Filter example Description
500 chargeback_createtime - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)
tran_id - integer(12)
sender_email - string(1000)
status - string(1000)
tran_timestart - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)
tran_timeend - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)
tran_type - string(1000)
protocol - string(1000)
currency - string(3)
amount - decimal(19,2)
payout_date - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)
payout_amoun - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)
"on_page": 5,
"page": 1,
"filters": [
"s": "chargeback_createtime",
"m": "from",
"v": "2019-12-11"
"s": "chargeback_createtime",
"m": "to",
"v": "2019-12-13"
"merchant_id": 1396424,
"report_id": "500"
Chargebacks report
528 tran_id - integer(12)
parent_tran_id - integer(12)
sender_email - string(1000)
status - string(1000)
tran_timestart - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)
tran_timeend - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)
tran_type - string(1000)
currency - string(3)
actual_amount - decimal(19,2)
payout_date - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)
payout_amoun - decimal(19,2)
order_desc - string(1000)
checkout_url - string(1000)
"on_page": 5,
"page": 1,
"filters": [
"s": "tran_timestart",
"m": "from",
"v": "2019-12-11"
"s": "tran_timeend",
"m": "to",
"v": "2019-12-13"
"merchant_id": 1396424,

"report_id": "528"
Success transactions report
745 payment_id - integer(12)
order_timestart - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)
order_timeend - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)
order_status - string(1000)
amount - decimal(19,2)
actual_amount - decimal(19,2)
currency - string(3)
actual_currency - string(3)
order_type - string(1000)
approval_code - string(6)
card_bin - string(6)
eci - string(2)
fee - decimal(19,2)
masked_card - string(19)
order_id - string(1000)
payment_system - string(1000)
response_code - integer(4)
response_description - string(1000)
reversal_amount - decimal(19,2)
rrn - string(1000)
sender_email - string(1000)
settlement_amount - decimal(19,2)
settlement_currency - string(3)
settlement_date - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)
merchant_data - string(1000)
order_desc - string(1000)
"on_page": 5,
"page": 1,
"filters": [
"s": "order_timestart",
"m": "from",
"v": "2019-12-11"
"s": "order_timestart",
"m": "to",
"v": "2019-12-13"
"merchant_id": 1396424,
"report_id": "745"
All transactions report