React Native

Use the Flitt React-Native Android SDK to start accepting Google Pay and cards in your Android apps.

1 Installation

yarn add  react-native-cloudipsp 
npm i react-native-cloudipsp

If your React Native version is lower than 0.60, you need to link the package manually using the following command:

react-native link react-native-cloudipsp

2 Add lines to android/settings.gradle:

  include ':react-native-cloudipsp'
  project(':react-native-cloudipsp').projectDir = new   File(rootProject.projectDir,  '../node_modules/react-native-cloudipsp/android')

where react-native-cloudipsp – Flitt SDK

3 Add dependencies to android/app/build.gradle****

implementation project(':react-native-cloudipsp')
implementation ''
implementation ''

4 Specify meta-data in AndroidManifest.xml

<application  >



Required permission

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

5 Check exaple folder on our GitHub on how to implement payments with cards and wallets

6 If you need Google and Apple Pay, refer to these articles: