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Capture parameters

Request parameters

Parameters                        Type Mandatory Description
version string(10) optional Protocol version.
Default value: 1.0.1
Version 1.0 is deprecated
order_id string(1024) mandatory Order ID which is generated by merchant
merchant_id integer(12) mandatory Merchant unique ID. Generated by Flitt during merchant registration
amount integer(12) mandatory Order amount without separator
currency string(3) mandatory Order currency. Supported values:
EUR — Euro
USD — US Dollar
GBP — Pound sterling mandatory
CZK — Czech Republic Koruna
UAH — Ukrainian Hryvnia
GEL - Georgian lari
UZS - Uzbekistan sum
Full list of supported currencies
signature string(40) mandatory Order signature. Required to verify merchant request consistency and authenticity. Signature generation algorithm please see at Signature generation for request and response
Parameters                        Type Description
order_id string(1024) Order ID which is generated by merchant.
merchant_id integer(12) Merchant unique ID. Generated by Flitt during merchant registration.
capture_status string(50) Capture operation status. Can contain the following values:
hold — capture has been created, but not approved yet; merchant must continue to request the status of the order
captured — capture completed successfully, funds are charged from the payer’s account and soon will be credited of the merchant; merchant can provide the service or ship goods
response_status string(50) Request processing status. If parameters sent by merchant did not pass validation then failure, else success
response_code integer(4) Capture decline response code. Possible codes see in Response codes
response_description string(1024) Capture response code description, see Response codes


  "request": {
    "version": "1.0.1",
    "order_id": "test_12343242113",
    "currency": "UAH",
    "merchant_id": 1549901,
    "amount": 100,
    "signature": "1efcb015c89da38977ae1e734aade413b95ca900"
    "response": {
        "capture_status": "captured",
        "order_id": "test_12343242112",
        "response_description": "",
        "response_code": "",
        "merchant_id": 1549901,
        "response_status": "success"
    "response": {
        "error_code": 1016,
        "error_message": "Merchant not found",
        "request_id": "Mfqk42OKu69BI",
        "response_status": "failure"